Root Causes of Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids


Does your kiddo complain of a sore throat, or say it hurts while eating or drinking? Maybe you’ve noticed they snore, or even gasp for air in the middle of the night? 

If any are true, it’s possible they could have enlarged tonsils and adenoids. This is common in kids, however, why your child has them and how it’s treated is not always the same.

To learn more about enlarged tonsils and adenoids and how to best support your child, read on!

What Are Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids?

Tonsils and adenoids are small pieces of lymphatic tissue. Your tonsils are located in the back of the throat, while adenoids are located in the back of the nasal cavity.  

These tissues are small but mighty, as both are part of the immune system and play an important role in preventing infection. 

Because of their location in the body, they can stop pathogens and particles from entering through the mouth or nose. [1] However, their positioning also means that when enlarged, they can block the airway and impair function of the upper respiratory system.

When enlarged, it is referred to as tonsillitis or adenoiditis. 

What Are the Symptoms of Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids?

Kids are more likely to have enlarged tonsils and adenoids for the same reason they’re more likely to catch a cold: their immune systems are still developing! Adenoids also naturally get smaller as we age.

Common symptoms you might see if your child’s tonsils and/or adenoids are enlarged include [2]:

  • Snoring

  • Pauses in breathing during sleep

  • Mouth breathing

  • Waking frequently and restlessness

  • Bedwetting

  • Trouble swallowing

  • Irritability

  • Sleepwalking/night terrors

  • Picky eating

  • Frequent colds (including runny nose, fever, sore throat, and ear pain or ‘glue ear’) 

What Health Issues Can Be Linked to Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids?

Problems that arise due to enlarged tonsils and adenoids can be nailed down to a handful of specific health issues. 

Sleep issues

This could look like snoring, sleep apnea (where breathing repeatedly starts and stops), sleep walking, and general restlessness.

Difficulty concentrating

Because they’re not getting good-quality rest, they can also have trouble learning or show signs of ADHD.

Higher risk of infection/illness 

Enlarged tonsils and/or adenoids mean the immune system is compromised. Your child may experience ongoing ear infections, fluid build-up, coughing, and/or a chronic runny nose.

Picky eating

They may be picky about which foods or textures they’re willing to eat because it’s harder for them to swallow.

Delayed speech

Enlarged tonsils can push the tongue forward, making it difficult for your child to make sounds.

What Causes Enlarged Tonsils or Adenoids?

This issue really boils down to inflammation in the body. 

The question is… 

Why are your child’s tonsils and/or adenoids inflamed?

Here are 5 causes I often see leading to inflammation in kiddos with tonsillitis &/or adenoiditis:

Chronic Infection

When there’s an active infection inside the body, white blood cells are released to go to war and fight it off. This is how inflammation occurs, and it can cause serious irritation when present over time.

Food / Environmental Allergies

Allergens can cause irritation and inflammation in the throat, resulting in enlarged tonsils and adenoids. [3]

Leaky Gut

Leaky gut is when there are holes in the gut lining, which can allow partially digested food and toxins to enter the body. This triggers an immune response, causing inflammation. [4]

Mouth Breathing

Mouth breathing is a leading cause of inflammation in the throat and body. And when tonsils and adenoids swell, it becomes even more difficult to breathe through your nose, fueling the vicious cycle of mouth breathing. [5] If your child is mouth breathing, we want to rule out enlarged tonsils/adenoids and be evaluated for a tongue tie asap.

What Should You Do Next?

If your child is showing signs of enlarged tonsils and adenoids, I recommend going to see a pediatric ENT (Ears Nose and Throat Doctor) to have your kiddo evaluated for grading of tonsils, adenoids, and whether the turbinates are also enlarged.

Many times, the ENT will order a sleep study to check for obstructive sleep apnea. This lets us know how aggressive we need to be with treatment. Use this website to find an ENT near you. 

It’s also a good idea to book an appointment with an airway-focused dentist to identify possible tongue ties and determine the amount of airway space by conducting a Cone-Beam CT.

Does Your Child Need Surgery?

It depends. If you catch this early enough, enlarged tonsils can be treated using a naturopathic approach. 

But for some kiddos, it’s best to head straight to surgery, get them removed, and then work with an integrative provider to determine WHY they were enlarged in the first place. This is an important step, so we don’t see issues with inflammation and immune activation in the future.

Make sure you speak with a trusted healthcare provider about the pros and cons of each option, so you can make the best informed decision for your child.

What Does a Naturopathic Approach Look Like?

As I mentioned, surgery isn’t necessarily the only option for treatment. In my office, treating enlarged tonsils and adenoids is a 3-step process.

Step 1. Address the Root Cause of Inflammation

We always need to identify the root cause before we can begin treatment. In this case, we’re looking for what is driving inflammation in the body. This involves taking a deep dive into your child’s health history, getting curious, and possibly running tests. like a food sensitivity test. 

Tests can include:

  • Food Sensitivity and Food Allergy Panel - to rule out food sensitivities and allergies

  • Organic Acid Test (OAT) - to evaluate gut health, presence of yeast/mold markers, mitochondrial function, and note any nutrient deficiencies 

  • Mycotoxin Profile - to rule out past or current mold exposure

Click here to grab and run these labs yourself, even if you’re not a patient of mine!

Step 2. Heal the Gut

Next, we want to address the gut and lower any existing inflammation. This could involve taking a supplement, and/or temporarily eliminating certain inflammatory foods and incorporating gut healing foods, like sauerkraut, bone broth, and nutrient-dense whole foods. 

Step 3. Support the Immune System

Lastly, we want to be supporting the immune system. This can involve a variety of immune-supportive practices, from incorporating certain diet and lifestyle habits (optimizing sleep, diet, exercise, etc.) to taking certain natural medicines.

In order to take an integrative approach, we must get the ENT on board to oversee this part of treatment for at least 6 months, allowing us enough time to support the body. This isn’t always possible in some cases.

Natural Remedies to Soothe Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids 

If your child has enlarged tonsils and adenoids, consider these natural remedies while working to identify the root cause. 

Natural Medicines and Supplements


Beekeeper's Naturals Bee Propolis Throat Spray: Not only does this throat spray soothe sore throats, but it’s also powerful natural immune support. Bee propolis is naturally high in antioxidants, which is why it’s the bees first line of defense against germs.


ION Sinus Nasal: This spray promotes healthy nasal breathing by hydrating, soothing, and flushing out irritants from your sinuses. It also supports the integrity of your nasal lining, which is actually the start of your gut! This is best used when your child is NOT congested.


NeilMed Kids Sinus Rinse: If your kiddo IS congested, I recommend using this spray nightly to remove mucus. While your kiddo might not be thrilled, it’s incredibly important. To help the process, first pretend you’re using the spray with one of your child’s favorite stuffed animals or action figures. They might be more willing!


Cod Liver Oil Supplement: Cod liver oil is an amazing source of vitamin A. Vitamin A helps stimulate the body’s production of white blood cells and repairs and maintains the mucus membranes, providing enhanced defenses against infections. It is also rich in health essential fatty acids to supplement dietary intake.

You can stock up on all of these supplements for 15% off when you shop my online store! Click here to create or login to your Fullscript account. 

Natural Remedies and Practices

Gargle with salt water: This remedy is best for older kids, about 8+ years of age. The salt helps calm inflammation and kill infection-causing germs while the warm water helps soothe a sore throat.


Step 1. First, mix approx. 1 tsp of salt with approx. 1 cup of warm water.

Step 2. Then, have your child gargle the solution in the back of their throat for about 5-10 seconds. 

Once they’re done, make sure they spit the mixture out completely. If they’d like, they can swish clean water around their mouth to get rid of the salty taste, but avoid flushing it down the throat for as long as possible so the salt can work its magic! 

Drink warm liquids: Tea, soup, and bone broth work well to soothe a sore throat. Add honey and lemon to tea for an additional anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effect!

Herbal steam inhalations: This simple natural remedy is a gentle but effective way to support the upper respiratory tract and break up mucus. Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to do steam inhalations.

Incorporate fresh garlic into meals: Garlic has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. Try incorporating this food medicine into family meals if you don’t already!

Get plenty of rest: Sleep provides essential support for the immune system. Check out my top tips to help your child get a good night’s sleep that I recommend prioritizing, especially when your child is feeling restless.

An Educated Parent is an Empowered Parent

I believe one of the best ways to improve the health of future generations is by empowering parents to make informed decisions about their family’s health.

If you want to join a community of parents who are empowering themselves (and each other!) by learning how to raise healthy kids at home, check out our membership community, Healthy Families Collective.  We would love to have you inside!

Michelle Young

I'm a licensed naturopathic doctor based San Diego offering high-level care & support to families. I'm so glad you're here! I am here to empower you to take control of your family’s health.


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