5 daily detox practices to reduce your child’s toxic load


Learn Why Supporting Detox is Essential for the Health of Our Children and Future Generations.

Kids are bombarded with toxins every day, all the time. From the clothes they wear to the air they breathe. Some of it we don’t have control over.

What is avoidable, however, is toxic overload & chronic illness.

In addition to managing your child’s exposure to toxins, daily detox practices are necessary for reducing their toxic load and maintaining optimal health.

Now, let me just say that this information is in no way intended to scare you! Your child’s body is *made* to detoxify! 

Rather, my goal is to empower you to help decrease your child’s toxic load, as doing this can also decrease the strain on your kiddo’s body.

If you don’t already work to support your child’s detoxification pathways every day, this article is for you!

First, What is Toxic Load? 

“Toxic load” refers to the accumulation of harmful chemicals & toxins in the body that are brought in through a variety of sources.

These can include:

  • Environmental chemicals (found in tap water, air pollution, household cleaning products, skincare products, food, & more)

  • Medications (found in things like vaccinations) 

  • Supplements (found in over-the-counter supplements, not medical grade)

  • Stress (yep, it’s toxic to the body)

  • Processed sugar (found in processed foods)

When the body’s toxic load becomes too much, this can be referred to as “toxic overload” or “high toxicity” and can result in serious health issues.

Now, as I mentioned before, it’s simply impossible to remove all toxins from your child’s world. 

Even if you moved your family to a mountaintop, totally removed from society - it’s likely still not possible! 

But there are many steps you can take to lower your child’s toxic load and prevent health problems, many of which can be serious. 

Toxic Load and Chronic Illness. 

When toxins build up, and the toxic load becomes too much (“toxic overload”), they can wreak havoc on the body.

Toxins can mess with hormone function, damage cells, alter the brain, cause leaky gut, and irritate the skin.

Oftentimes, the body first starts presenting small signs of toxic overload, like:

  • Decreased bowel movements 

  • Rashes

  • Itchiness

  • Decrease in appetite 

  • Irritability

When left unaddressed, this can turn into chronic health issues, including:

  • Asthma

  • Eczema

  • Allergies (food, environmental, & seasonal)

  • ADHD

  • Autism (and other neurodevelopment disabilities)

  • Sleep issues

  • Depression & anxiety

My practice is filled with kiddos who are struggling with these health issues. And what’s more devastating is that it’s not just my practice that’s seeing this.

The healthcare industry has seen a huge increase in chronic disease across the board over the past few decades. And with that, we’re also seeing a rise in toxins within the body. [1]

And it’s no surprise, because our medical industry unfortunately isn’t interested in wellness or prevention. 

How Can Practicing Daily Detox Help? 

When it comes to healing, we know that we can’t treat disease if toxins are not addressed. [2] 

Toxins are at the root of all chronic illness. 

This is why detox is the very first thing I address with all of my patients. 

Because here’s the good news: 

The body has natural systems for detoxification – the kidneys, liver, lungs, lymphatic system, digestive system, glymphatic system, and skin – that work hard to eliminate harmful toxins every day! 

Our bodies are SO wise!!

They just may need a little support to function effectively. 

We also need to make sure that your child’s drainage pathways are open first, so the body can actually eliminate toxins, rather than pulling toxins into our system and recirculating them. 

As long as we support these important systems and encourage detoxification regularly, we can begin to prevent and heal disease in your kiddo.

Detox Practices to Lower Your Child’s Toxic Burden. 

Now, the question is HOW can you support your child’s detoxification pathways?

There are a number of practices you can use!

Some of which can actually be fun for your child. ;) 

Below are just a few of my favorite natural ways for kids to detox:

  1. Epsom Salt Baths

Here’s how they work:

Magnesium is absorbed through the skin when soaking in warm water for about 20 minutes, or once the skin is pruny.

This miracle mineral is a cofactor (or ‘helper molecule’) for many detoxification pathways, which allows them to work more efficiently. 

Magnesium also helps relax the nervous system and support healthy bowel movements, therefore supporting elimination through the stool. 

This is why epsom salt baths are frequently on my patients’ treatment plans!

You can check out this post to get the recipe and instructions.

2. Jump on a Trampoline

Having your child jump on a trampoline (or rebounder!) helps stimulate their lymphatic system, which promotes toxin elimination from the body.

The lymphatic system only moves if we do!

The bouncing also helps improve the body’s circulation, pumping blood to the heart and lungs, which supports your child’s overall health!

3. Hydrate & Increase Fiber Intake

Regular bowel movements are another way toxins are eliminated from the body. Encourage your child to drink more fluids by infusing water with tasty fruits and eating hydrating foods.

And try to get more fiber in their diet where you can!

Fibrous foods include:

  • Organic whole flax seeds - Store these in the refrigerator and grind in a coffee grinder 1x weekly, or when you’re ready to use, to preserve the oils. These are easy to sneak into smoothies!

  • Beans

  • Lentils

  • Berries

  • Hummus

  • Avocado

  • Apples

  • Sprouted, whole grain bread

Serving your child these foods can encourage regular bowel movements and support detoxification.

4. Play to Sweat

The body also eliminates toxins through sweat! 

I recommend signing your child up for an after school activity, or setting up some relay races in the backyard a few days a week.

This can be a fun and easy way to encourage detoxification.

5. Swap Processed Snacks for Whole Foods

Processed sugar is toxic to the body and not supportive in any way to overall health. While it’s not going to hurt your child in moderation, it can be disruptive to a detoxification plan. 

Do your best to steer clear of added sugars in packed snacks, including “high-fructose corn syrup”, “cane sugar”, “rice syrup”, and most ingredients ending in “-ose” such as “dextrose” or “glucose”.

The best way to avoid them?

Focus on serving simple snacks that are made of whole foods, like:

  • Smoothies with fruit and healthy fats (and maybe even add a desiccated liver pill for extra bioavailable nutrients!) 

  • Apples & seed/nut butter

  • Carrots and hummus

  • Avocado & hemp seeds on whole wheat toast

You can make snacks easy on yourself while still supporting detoxification.

What Toxins Mean for Your Child and Future Generations. 

Supporting detoxification is critical for having healthy children.

It’s not that you’re not at risk of serious health problems due to toxicity as an adult.

You are.

But children are still developing, leaving them extremely vulnerable to toxins.

Especially young kids – they’re going through crucial developmental stages. Their bodies just aren’t prepared to take on dangerous chemicals as effectively as you can.

In fact, early exposure to toxins can have a devastating effect on the developing brain, with lifelong implications on its structure and function. [3]

For me, what is perhaps the hardest part of the “toxins conversation” is that toxins aren’t going anywhere. They’re here to stay.

I know this can be a hard pill to swallow, but here’s what it means:

We NEED to be educating ourselves NOW as parents and healthcare providers, for the health of our children and our grandchildren.

Practicing daily detox rhythms is something every parent needs to be aware of so we can put a stop to this epidemic of sick children with chronic disease. 

You Can Protect Your Child’s Health in a Toxic World.

I know conversations around toxins can feel scary & overwhelming... 

But it doesn’t have to be.

Being mindful of toxins and doing daily detox practices with your kiddo goes a LONG way! 

Plus, it is never too late to start – I promise! 

There are so many more toxin-fighting tips & tricks you can use to lower your child’s exposure, reduce their toxic load, and ultimately prevent chronic illness. 

Check out the “detox” module on our membership community, Healthy Families Collective, for a deeper dive into my detox protocol for kids! 

You’ll learn the exact methods I recommend to my patients and tools that you can start right away for your whole family! 


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4712864/ 

  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3270432/ 

  3. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/early-exposure-to-toxic-substances-damages-brain-architecture/ 

Michelle Young

I'm a licensed naturopathic doctor based San Diego offering high-level care & support to families. I'm so glad you're here! I am here to empower you to take control of your family’s health.


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